Green Solar Roof office Breda

In October 2017, we have completed a green solar roof for our Breda office. As a result, water storage improved, renewable energy further increased and we achieved better isolation for our office. This project was done with some help from the city of Breda in The Netherlands.
Masterclass strategie executie en personal development roadmap:
Participant of the November 2017 training"Extremely inspirational day, where useful models came together with pragmatic applications and real life experiences!"
Mid November 2017 we organized our fist open tèn company academy session in Antwerp. During this highly interactive day, we worked with a group of managers coming from a variety of companies. We worked with them on their personal effectiveness as managers, how to assess and build their teams and we shared with them some of our experiences to change a company and put strategies into real execution.

We will continue in 2018 with our these trainings. Next open trainings for 2018 will be on 27 February (Delivery in English, 9 open spots) and on 24 April (Delivery language to be decided, 12 open spots). Location: Benelux.
If you want some more information, please follow this link. If you want to participate, or you want to send one of your managers. Please send us an email via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or speak with your consultant.

Participant of the November 2017 training:
"For me is was a very fruitful day. Like I said in the wrap up: 'wonderfully pragmatic' and packed with tools that I can use immediately in my work"
People from our current clients have priority in the application.
MRG's global conference Vienna

In October 2017, our partner Paul participated in the global conference that was hosted by our assessments partner Management Research Group ( This year the conference was held in Vienna, Austria. Together with Emanuele Schmidt, president of Mida in Italy (, Emanuele and Paul held a keynote together focussing on their business partnership for some of our clients. We also introduced our new released IKIGAI Card Game to our colleagues from around the world.
IKIGAI Kaart Spel
- Zoek je een hulpmiddel om mensen te helpen betere loopbaankeuzes te maken?
- Of wil je zelf (weer) richting geven aan je loopbaan?
- Ben je op zoek naar een vragenspel dat praktisch, leuk èn inspirerend is?
IKIGAI kaart spel is helemaal ontworpen om je hierbij te helpen!
Je IKIGAI is je reden van bestaan. Deze uitdrukking komt van het Japanse eiland Okinawa. Je IKIGAI is een mix van waar je van houdt, waar je goed in bent en waar je van kunt leven. Iedereen op dit eiland kent zijn of haar unieke IKIGAI. Zou het toeval zijn dat dit ook het eiland is waar mensen gemiddeld het oudste worden op aarde?
IKIGAI Kaartspel is gestructureerd in drie delen. Elk deel bevat een serie kaarten met uitdagende vragen.
Deel 1: You love it (je houdt ervan)
Deel 2: You're good at it (je bent er goed in)
Deel 3: Reality check (toets aan de realiteit)
Het spel is zowel in het Nederlands als in het Engels te spelen. IKIGAI Kaartspel kun je spelen met twee mensen, in een kleine groep of je kunt het zelf spelen.
Hieronder kun je de introductie bekijken van IKIGAI Kaart Spel. De trailer is in het Engels en duurt ongeveer 1,5 minuut. Het spel zelf bevat zowel de Nederlandse als de Engelse teksten.
IKIGAI wordt gespeeld en gewaardeerd door coaches en consultants over de hele wereld.
Als je IKIGAI Kaartspel direct wilt bestellen, kan je dat hier doen.
Masterclass strategie executie en personal development roadmap

Op 15 november 2017 bieden we een unieke mogelijkheid om in 1 dag kennis te maken met de methodes die we elke dag met onze relaties gebruiken. Ons doel is om je geïnspireerd naar huis te laten gaan. Volgepakt met ideeën, cases en nieuwe tools die je de volgende dag direct kunt gaan toepassen in je eigen organisatie. We zorgen voor een interactieve benadering van de dag. Daarnaast zullen we onze eigen ervaringen met je delen waar je hopelijk nog wat extra inspiratie uit kunt halen... Lees verder
Paul will be a guest speaker at MRG gathering in Vienna in October 2017

In October Paul will be a guest speaker at the global meeting of our assessment partner Management Research Group in Vienna. Paul will speak about some recent successful client cases and about building programs in partnerships. The do's and the don'ts. More information can be found here
Slowfood lunch in Leuven
Wonderful #slowfood lunch last weekend in #Leuven with my business partner Herman and our partners.
— paul donkers (@pauldonkers) 10 april 2017
Celebrating eight years!

It’s been 8 years now since we created tèn company. We started our firm in the middle of the financial crisis. Lehman Brothers just went bankrupt a couple of months earlier and there was a lot of uncertainty in the markets. But despite the strong economic headwind at the time, we were able to give our firm a healthy start. Of course this is thanks to you, our first clients, trusting us with your important business. We look forward to continue our work. We want to thank all our clients for your ongoing commitment to using our services. We feel grateful and humble for all your support throughout the years.
We're currently preparing a second book and we'll continue in 2017 with our bi-weekly columns: in writing, video columns and our vlogs. Our full resource hub can be found here.
Thank you and happy holidays

2016 was an extraordinary year for our firm. Only because you trusted us with more of your important work then ever before, we were able to accelerate our business. You've also used our free library with articles and free resources extensively.
Please rest assured that our approach remains to be fully personalized. Whether you ask us to work with your leadership team or you want a program for one of your business leaders. Or when you ask us to help you put your company strategy into execution. Every program is always fully customized to meet your unique needs.
For us, playing our role in society is simply the right thing to do. Also in 2016, we donated some of our time and we gave some financial support to a selection of charity organizations that we are committed to. Charity organizations that work global ( Red Cross for instance) or local ( in The Netherlands for instance).
For the international Committee of the Red Cross, we are now for the fourth consecutive year actively involved in their global leadership program through our alliance partner MRG (
From this place we wish you and your loved ones happy holidays.
Thank you for your commitment to our services and being a valued partner in our network.
On behalf of our team at tèn company.
New website
As of now, our new website is completely renewed. We have optimized the site to improve your experience. Depending on the device you use to visit us, our website now automatically adapts to the size of your screen. Whether you're visiting us from your tablet, your phone when you're on the go or from your desktop computer. Our resources continue to be freely available to the people in our network. Thank you for your commitment and for your loyalty in using our resources and being a valued member of our network.News Update about our New website
— paul donkers (@pauldonkers) 16 november 2016