The International Baccalaureate (International education - International Baccalaureate® ( has a global community of over 5000 schools who develop well-rounded, caring, knowledgeable and self-motivated students. The Covid pandemic has impacted all of these schools not only with the shift in the use of technology to support student progression through remote and blended modes of teaching delivery, but much more fundamentally it has required schools to rethink their strategies about the delivery of education in the pandemic and what this means for student and staff well-being. The IB World Schools Department is accountable for providing expert guidance to support IB schools in their programme delivery effectiveness, development and innovation. The Covid pandemic challenged the department to completely rethink how we support our schools most effectively to meet their evolving needs with the greatest agility possible. The department leadership engaged Paul Donkers over several months to step back from the whirlwind of supporting schools in crisis mode to reassess what is most important for the service we provide to our schools and how best to deliver that with a cadence of accountability to ensure the changes we make stick. The leadership and wider team closed off 2021 in a much better place in their work, balance and optimism for the future and a significant part of that credit is down to the support and appropriate level of challenge Paul brought to our strategic reflections. It really made a difference.
Adrian Kearney
Director IB World Schools
January 2022

“Since we started with the Strategy-into-Action approach at Electrolux Professional in Spain, the whole company is definitely more focused on what we have to do. We have been implementing SIA for the last years and the results are visible in different manners. The management team has a clear focus on a few projects, which it has defined as being important, with an impact on results and a short implementation time. The employees who participate in the projects feel “listened to” and learn to take ownership of their actions, they really feel empowered. Altogether in working with Paul Donkers and tèn company has given us an important push towards a new way of working within the company and tools to significantly increase our top and bottom line results.”
John Trachsel
General Manager Iberia Cluster Electrolux Professional

"Trust among the team has improved greatly and the self awareness to work on our soft side has been recognised by everyone."
Marie-Thérèse Chabaane, at the time the Global Human Resources Director Electrolux Professional on the results of our work with their Global Leadership Team
An experience in the application of Strategy-into-action for smaller companies
As part of the European leadership team of Marine Harvest VAP, I was fortune to participate in the training, design and execution of the Balanced Business Plan approach by tèn company. Their technique proves to be extremely useful to have all stakeholders aligned on the objectives and projects for the coming year. To define this within a team is extremely important for the spirit and to really achieve the results that were agreed upon.
Today, as an independent entrepreneur with our ownership in small, family owned companies throughout Europe, we use tèn's Balanced Business Plan technique with all of our local teams. The results of this approach are truly amazing. Which proves to me that this exercise is not only applicable within big companies, but also within small companies! I challenge you to try it!
Wim van Roy, entrepreneur, February 2018

From passion to results!
When - after many years of success and growth- a company seems to have run out of luck and gets confronted with declining results, increasing competition, slumbering demotivation… it is time for change! But how do you realize this?
Marine Harvest VAP Europe, seafood specialist, was recently confronted with this scenario. After years of growth, market leadership, strong results the downstream division of Marine Harvest risked to lose this position due to lower consumption, heavy competition, rocketing raw material prices and sharper demands of the customers. We, the management and employees, saw this happening and regardless our enormous passion for the business and the “proven to be good” experience, we were not able to change the tide.
Were we falling asleep? No, but the crisis situation required from us a more pro-active, ambitious and focused strategy and approach and due to the “success of the past” we were not used to handle these situations.
With this awareness, we asked tèn company to support us in our turnaround approach and Herman Van Herterijck & Paul Donkers came into the Marine Harvest VAP Europe picture. Based on their rich experience in the fast moving consumer goods sector and their previous confrontation with companies in crisis, they were able to assist us both in (1) defining a clear and realistic strategy and (2) in (2) redirecting our passion into focused & effective action.
During a two day seminar, the senior management succeeded, with the guidance of Herman & Paul, to fine-tune the VAP Europe strategy, to define the financial long term targets and to translate these two elements in a short term project plan with clear strategic priorities.
Almost one year after this seminar, we can say that the Strategy execution program delivered by tèn company did not only result in a stronger alignment in the management team but above all in an impressive focus on the year priorities and a cautious turnaround of our results. Based on this positive experience the Management team decided to repeat this approach for 2014. The
Strategy execution program 2014 seminar is planned involving also the direct reports of the senior management. This adapted approach should guarantee the same success as 2013 strengthened by a stronger buy-in of the full European management and their teams … a next step in redirection our passion into change and into convincing results for the future.
Siska Bourgeois
Director Human Resources & Communication
Marine Harvest VAP Europe