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new book: Master of your own destiny is now available!

new book: Master of your own destiny is now available! In their powerful new book, the global executive coaches Herman van Herterijck and Paul Donkers share the proven methodology they use with their clients around the world. They have developed a unique approach and adapted it for individuals who want to become master of their own destiny... and of their life. They were inspired by project management tools used by large companies and applied them for personal transformations.

They provide their readers with a step-by-step approach that you can easily apply to your own career. Changing the course of your career is tough. Our daily routines and old habits are holding us back from the goals that we really want to achieve. We are great at planning our change. We suck at executing our plans. Slowly but surely, we forget about our intentions. And then, suddenly we wake up and realize how much time has passed.

Master of your own destiny gives you the Personal Development Roadmap that you need to plan and execute your journey. It contains plenty of unique experiences and exercises. They offer a personal playbook so that you can lay the building blocks in order to take the next step in your career.

You can download your copy as an ePub book for only euro 9,95 via