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Marshall Goldsmith's impact on Executive Coaching

Marshall Goldsmith and Paul Donkers Upper East Side New York, New York

This month, Marshall Goldsmith celebrates his 75th birthday. Marshall has been one of my best teachers in the Executive Coaching field. He has influenced my vision and approach heavily since the day I left my corporate career 15 years ago and moved forward to create our boutique firm: tèn company (

To be honest, I wasn't very happy with what was available in the coaching industry back in early 2009. I experienced in real life that most companies were often using coaching the wrong way. Not getting the return that they were looking for. However, this was not 'their' problem, it was ours! We had to take ownership and show leadership. We had to explain it better and assist companies how to apply this very powerful tool in such a way that they got the best return on their investment! At the time, many businesses used it for some of their people who were 'in trouble'. Much has changed nowadays, and Marshall is one of the people that played a pivotal role.

Coming out of the Global Outplacement Coaching industry in early 2009, I started searching for an approach to coaching that was pragmatic, building on the success of business people, inspirational and a process that was 'easy to follow'. That's the moment where I learned about Marshall's work and started to study his approach in depth.

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears"

As the saying in Tao goes: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears". The first book I read after our registration at the Chamber of Commerce on 20 March 2009 was: What Got You Here, Won't Get You There. Written by a gentleman by the name of Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. I read it and all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together in the book! The approach, the vision, the pragmatism, the craft, the humour! I absolutely loved it!

Some weeks later, I reached out to Marshall and we immediately connected. Over the last 15 years, I have had the privilege to learn so much more from him, not only via his books and his others work, but also from him directly. I consider myself to be very lucky to be able to have spent meaningful time with him over the course of the last 15 years.

If you're looking to learn new things. If you want to develop yourself, my advice is to think slow and take time to choose your teachers. A mediorce or a great teacher can make such a huge difference! Be bold.

Thank you Marshall and hopefully to many more healthy years!

Life is good. March 2024 Paul Donkers

Paul P.J. Donkers is a sought-after global business coach and management consultant. More about his work and projects can be found via and via

Paul and his partners work since decades with leaders to assist them create more value. If you want to have a confidential conversation, just reach out to us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By Paul Donkers

"my purpose is to help improve strategy execution, to create high performing teams and coach for effective business leaders"

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