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Decoding 3 Mega Trends: AI, Talent, Climate

Early February, we conducted new research in our network. We asked: “which of the following three global MEGA trends do you believe will have the most impact on your business performance in the next 18 months?”


  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Climate Change
  3. Talent Shortage


58 % of respondents expect that Artificial Intelligence will have most impact for their business in the next 18 months. Followed by 33 % of business leaders that expect most impact from Talent Shortage. 8 % expect that Climate Change will have most impact in the next 18 months.



Thanks for sharing and nice to know, but what does this mean for me?


First, begin by carving out time to take a deeper dive. Develop your thinking. What are the opportunities and risks for my business? Read and watch quality background material about each MEGA trend. Recommended sources: Harvard Business Review, The Economist and The World Economic Forum.


  1. AI Artificial Intelligence is increasingly integrated in various industries. If you have not done so yet, start trying and use AI yourself. Simply start to test and experiment to know better what everyone is talking about. So you’re better able to understand its possibilities and risks.
  2. Talent Shortage is impacting growth and business performance. I also hear this more and more in my own conversations with CEO’s. How difficult is it to hire and retain the right talent for your company? How can you influence the attractiveness of your business? Can you make your business more magnetic?
  3. Third, look at your current approach to climate change. One of the difficulties for businesses is that Climate Change is a disaster happening in slow motion. And therefore it is (or feels) perhaps less urgent. And because of this slow motion, it's especially difficult to navigate for public companies. They have to show their revenue and profitability each quarter to the market. Questions to ask yourself when it comes to climate change: are you currently doing enough? Is your approach to sustainability authentic? What are you communicating as a business to the world? And how is it perceived? Are you following or leading sustainability initiatives compared to your competition? Do you see investments in sustainability as a cost, or are there ways to think differently and view it as an investment?

Action steps


My advice is to start to discuss these three trends with your leadership teams ànd your high potentials. Keep your eyes wide open, have an open mind and test different approaches under the radar. Just start to try things out, fail, get back up and try again.


Of course, you don’t want to jump on every trend and waste scarce resources and money. However, these three trends are very REAL and are here to stay for the next decades. It will impact all our businesses in one way or another. Whatever you do, make sure you you’re moving your business forward. The future is in our hands.


Hope this inspires.


Paul Donkers

Paul P.J. Donkers is a sought-after global business coach and management consultant. More about his work and projects can be found via and via

Paul and his partners work since decades with leaders to assist them create more value. If you want to have a confidential conversation, just reach out to us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By Paul Donkers

"my purpose is to help improve strategy execution, to create high performing teams and coach for effective business leaders"

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