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What will the future look like?

What will the future look like? In my conversations with business leaders we discuss this a lot. And you know, nobody knows the answer for sure. Covid-19 was the Black Swan in the famous book Black Swan from Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

When we are confronted with an issue. We try to get our heads around it. We try to 'understand' it. We start to collect data, extrapolate this data into the future and then we try to make a rational decision. Or we like to think we make a rational decision.

But what I do know is that nobody has all the answers. We need each other to find answers to the complex issues that are currently on the plate of business leaders. 

At the same time, I often experience that business leaders find it difficult to ask for help. It is probably a combination of their upbringing and character. Children who, unconsciously, learn from their parents are sometimes taught that they must find their own solutions. Perhaps they are taught that asking for help is a sign of weakness.

Our assessment partner MRG has a scale for this in their personality assessment. We measure how someone scores on "receiving". If the score is low, it costs that person a lot of energy to ask for help. If it is high, asking for help will give energy. It has been found that many business leaders, score low. As a result, they sort everything out themselves, from self-doctoring (Dr. Google), to running their finances, to managing their work and career. You name it. But they do not realize that they cannot know everything. You can never develop the deep expertise you need to make good decisions in all areas. It is a dangerous cocktail that easily leads to making suboptimal decisions.

There is  an interesting dynamic going on in our practice.  I must be honest, there are still a number of people who don't like using coaching. "Can't you do it yourself?" "I hired you to do the work, right? Why do you need a coach? ", "How do I come across to my colleagues / friends if they know I have a coach?" Fortunately, this phenomenon is declining rapidly. But it’s still happening today!

Who knows a top 10 tennis player without a coach? What is the difference with a top manager? They do the same thing, right? It's top sport. In both situations, a coach with the right expertise can enable you to get to the next level. Precisely because you have already proven yourself. Precisely because you already work at a high level.

A coach is not soft at all!
And a coach is not a status symbol.
An effective coach is just a sound business investment.
Someone added to your inner circle, to enable you to have more positive impact.
Someone with no personal agenda, no financial or any other objective.

Consider this and do an honest self-assessment. There are experienced and skilled business coaches out there. And of course you have to be picky when you select one. You need to get the added value you're looking for. Your time is your most precious resource.

Please don't think that you need to have all the answers yourself. Navigating through these times is hard enough as it is.

Hopefully this inspires.


Paul Donkers


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We're also happy to refer you to skilled business and executive coaches in our global network. We're in this industry since 25 years. Just drop us an email via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a confidential conversation. 

By Paul Donkers

"my purpose is to help improve strategy execution, to create high performing teams and coach for effective business leaders"

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